Update: Our information webinar was held on Tuesday 19th March.
You can download our slides or watch the recording here:
We recently shared information about our new research project EPICS which will explore physical computing in schools. EPICS is an exciting 5-year research project looking into the impact of physical computing on children in the UK from ages 8 to 13 over time. We’re grateful to the Micro:bit Educational Foundation, BBC and Nominet for funding this research.
In a nutshell, we will be investigating the experience of young people who have engaged with the BBC micro:bit and other physical computing devices in the BBC micro:bit – the next gen campaign. We hope to develop insights into changes in attitudes, agency and creativity at key points as pupils progress from primary through to secondary education in the UK. We’re also interested in the influence of teachers and parents, and their perception of the value of physical computing. Finally, we want to look at gender balance and the transition from primary to secondary school. We’ll be working on this for the next five years and we’d love to keep you informed and involved along the way.
Welcome to our new Research Associate
Today, we’re delighted to introduce you to a new member of the RPCERC team, Jessie Durk. Jessie is a Research Associate who will be focussing on the EPICS research, and who you will get to know well if you are working with us on this project. Jessie has worked in STEM Education for five years since her doctorate in Physics and has moved to the University of Cambridge from Imperial College London.
Jessie says: “Physical computing is a very engaging way to learn programming and wider computing skills, and allows children to be really creative. I’m delighted to be joining this project from its start. I’m particularly looking forward to working with schools on the project and I’m excited for our research findings.”
Find out more about the project on 19 March
We are looking for a small number of schools who have received a class set of micro:bits through the next gen initiative and would be willing to participate in research activities each summer in person. We’re also looking for a larger number of schools who might be interested in taking part in online data collection activities around physical computing each summer.
If you are a teacher interested in getting involved in this project, come to our informative webinar on Tuesday, 19 March at 5pm (UK time). If you completed our expression of interest form attached to our previous blog post you should have received an invite aleady. If you didn’t and you’d like to register your interest in the project and receive the meeting information, please fill in the short form here.
*If you are experiencing issues with opening or completing this Microsoft form, please use this Google form instead.