How well does the A-level Computer Science curriculum prepare students for the challenges of modern cybersecurity? At the Cambridge Cybercrime Centre, we’re investigating this question as part of a research project focused on the computer security and cybercrime material taught in schools.

Our study examines the A-level Computer Science specifications from AQA and OCR—the two most widely used exam boards in England. By consulting with security professionals and Computer Science teachers, we aim to identify gaps in the curriculum and delivery of this critical content. 

Cybersecurity content in the current curriculum

According to our research, the current A-level content does not always reflect contemporary security practice and the constantly evolving cybercrime ecosystem. Through discussions with security professionals, we’ve identified several potential gaps in the curriculum. These include:

These issues may be stemming from the breadth of the subject content provided by the Department of Education. Consequently, our findings highlight the need for curriculum updates to ensure students are equipped with knowledge that matches the realities of today’s cybersecurity landscape.

How to get involved in our research

To fully understand how the A-level curriculum is delivered in practice, we’re reaching out to Computer Science teachers in England, especially those with experience teaching the AQA and OCR specifications.

We’re keen to discuss their experience, views, and challenges in delivering the computer security and cybercrime content in the current A-levels CS curriculum

Your perspectives are invaluable to this research. By sharing your experiences, you can help us identify gaps, develop recommendations, and shape future curriculum improvements.

Interested in participating? Fill out this form to register your interest, and someone from the team will get in touch with you.