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Teacher research in computing education

The Teacher Inquiry in Computing education (TICE) project provides classroom teachers with the opportunity to work with experienced researchers and academics to carry out their own research. The goal is to enable teachers to take a deep dive into a curriculum topic, a pedagogical approach, or a new resource or to address a wider issue such as gender diversity or accessibility to inform a change in practice.

TICE was first run in 2016 with Computing At School, with the generous support of Google and was run again in 2023/2024 with over 20 teachers participating. The resulting research projects were written up and presented at the 2024 CAS conference. To find out more about the research our participating teachers conducted, we encourage you to download the full booklet below:

Thanks to the support of Computing at School (CAS), we are pleased to offer the program again in 2024/2025 with face-to-face and self-study options.

As well as an initiative to support teachers this is also a research project on how teacher research is a valuable form of professional development for teachers of computing.


Supported by

Between October 2023 and June 2024, 22 Teachers from across England participated in a wide variety of action research projects. Participants were a mixture of both primary and secondary classroom Computing teachers. 

Study design

The project was launched in September/October 2023 via the Computing At School teacher network. Teachers were invited to express an interest to participate and were subsequently invited to an introductory webinar.

Teachers were given a free choice of topic, the aim being for them to look at an issue that either interests or concerns them in their own school context. They were assigned to a volunteer helper and invited to attend a series of webinars and drop-in sessions to keep informed about process and progress. Projects started in December 2023 and were completed by May 2024. Teachers had the opportunity to present their projects to other teachers at the CAS Conference in July 2024

One of the mechanisms of the project is to provide support by matching academics to teachers to work collaboratively on a project together.  We are actively researching whether this is a valuable and potentially scalable approach to engaging teachers in research. 

Study resources

Teacher Research Projects 2024

CAS Teacher Research Projects 2016


Sentance, S., Sinclair, J., Simmons, C., & Csizmadia, A. (2018). Classroom-based research projects for computing teachers: Facilitating professional learning. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 18(3), 1-26. (Open-access author copy)

Sentance, S., Sinclair, J., Simmons, C., & Csizmadia, A. (2016). Teacher research projects in computing. In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (pp. 110-111). Poster paper. (Open-access author copy)

Other materials

Announcing TICE3 – get involved in our next teacher inquiry project! (blog article)
Computing Teacher Research Projects 2024 (blog article)
Teacher Inquiry in Computing Education: Empowering teachers to conduct action research (blog article)